Deniz Leu, Schwangerschaftsfotografin, Zürich

13 April 2021


How to look at your best during your maternity photoshoot

Pregnancy is an important point in a woman’s life. In recent years maternity photoshoots are getting more and more popular.
It is important to know how to look at your best during your maternity photoshoot.
The main goal in a maternity photoshoot is to show the form of the body but it is actually not different than a portrait photoshoot.

There are some simple steps you can take to look at your best for your maternity photos.

1. Sleep:

Yes, sleep! Before your maternity photoshoot go to bed early and get a good night’s sleep! Having enough sleep will make your skin look glowing and healthy on the day of your maternity photoshoot.

2. Prepare your skin in the morning of your maternity photoshoot

You can apply a simple clay mask to get rid of the dead skin and get your skin ready for the makeup. After the good noght’s sleep, this will be your second step for gorgeous maternity portraits.


3. Wear loose clothes before your maternity photoshoot:

As the photos mostly will be focusing your growing maternity belly, it is important not to wear any tight and narrow clothing to prevent the lines from happening around your belly. You can also apply baby oil and any moisturizing cream to your belly to make the skin look smooth and flawless.

4. Elegant underwear for elegant maternity photos

It is a good idea to bring and / or buy underwear for your maternity photoshoot. Although you can have bold and sex colours like red or hot pink, basic colours would be white, skin or black. Underwear made of lace will look timeless and elegant for eternity for your maternity photos.

babybauch foto zürich

5. Consider your partner’s outfit

This one is for the ladies who want their partners to be present intheir maternity photoshoot. I would suggest that you plan the outfits together to have matching outfits. If your husband will have an offocial buttondown shirt then you should also bring something in the same line.

In my photo studio in Zürich i have a range of maternity gowns but i provide my customers before the maternity photoshoot with a detailed document for the preparation of the photoshoot. But I believe to consider those tipps will help you get even better maternity portraits.

babybauchfotoshooting zurich
Maternity photo fabric throw

Babybauch Foto – Zürich

Foto von Deniz Leu, Schwangerschaftsfotografin Zürich


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